When you look around you, what do you see? Do you see the world in its beauty and perfectness, just as God has created it, or do you see the “jungle” that everyone is talking about and referring to when it comes about our world?
What is your standing point? What is your day to day experience?
I am quite curious, you know…:-) and I will tell you the reason, too. I am curious because I am interested in you. You, the perfectly made being that God has placed on this earth; you, the soul that came forth to have an earthly experience and grow. Therefore, my beautiful spiritual brother/sister, what do you see when you look at our world?
Our world…I so love referring myself in this way to the world we live in. It is ours, isn`t it? We may have not created it, but it belongs to us and we belong to it.
Isn`t it beautiful?:-)
We have this strong, spiritual, everlasting bond, a bond that connects us to this world and nothing can or will ever separate us from it. This is what we wanted, this is what God wanted…:-)
So, since it is our world, we certainly have an impact over it, don`t we? See, every soul that ever came or comes in this time-space reality has something unique, something special that only that soul possesses. It is like a treasure, and every soul has its own. The beauty in all this is that the world- our world- needs exactly those treasures in order to grow and expand 🙂
It`s like a big, earthly puzzle; the world is the image painted on the puzzle but it is the souls that bring the pieces so that the puzzle can be complete.
You realize now, how important you are to this world?:-)
My God! How is it even possible for somebody to think that they don`t matter, that they are not important or that they aren’t` worth it, when it is the very hands of God that created them?
Isn`t this silly, to say the least? Aren`t we dishonoring God when we think this way about ourselves? I believe we do.
Hence, my dear fellow men & women, stop thinking this way as it`s only the ego that tells you to do so. In the eyes of God you are priceless, and you couldn`t be more loved than you already are. I hope you won`t doubt it ever again, as this is the truth. You may have heard all kinds of things over the media, but it`s not true at all. And hey!, since when does the media tell the truth?
I really don`t see any point on why media exists (except for spreading bad news all over the planet) but this is another topic.
Truth of the matter is that media managed to denature one of the most important universal truths, and replace it with society`s silly and worldly standards. The universal truth I`m talking about is this: every human being is important; every human being has something to say, to stand for, something to give and share with this world, regardless of any social status.
When you come to realize this truth, you`ll feel lighter and happier, your heart will smile and your eyes will shine because you will have remembered something that you always knew, something that has been within you all along and it blossomed now 🙂
So, since you are a part of this world and you are influencing it, can you see just how big your power is? Every thought you think, every word you say, and every action you take – all of it has an impact and influences our world!
This is how big your God given responsibility is!
Whether you choose to use this responsibility to do good or bad, it remains the same; nothing can change or alter it, meaning your power stays the same.
But need to ask you, you beautiful and divine soul, why doing bad? What`s the purpose in it? Why harming other people or this planet?
Is there any satisfaction that you receive or feel by doing bad?
I really can`t think of any, because satisfaction that comes from doing bad is not a satisfaction in the purest sense of the word. It`s rather something shallow and as it fades away, you`ll feel nothing but bitterness and sadness.
Therefore, since you have divine spark within you, why not use it to do good?:-) Why not use it to make a difference in our world, to share yourself, to live righteously and in harmony, just as our spiritual teachers teach us to?
Why not living a beautiful life?
And when you`ll be old and look back, you`ll say to yourself: ”I gave my all in everything I did; I used my mind, soul and body to help people and do good deeds. I shared myself and it doesn`t matter that I will die tomorrow or next week, the world will always remember me as being a kind, loving, generous, happy person. And it is enough for me”
Think about it….:-)
Sending you much love:-)
These are the types of posts that remind me how crucial YOU are in my world. I’m thankful for Facebook for keeping us in touch. You are truly kind. And you are loved! I do believe that God, if she exists, sends angels to help us. I believe you might just be an Angel. 🙂
Yes, we are all part of this world and should treat each other accordingly. Kindness rules.
Charles, how lovely to see your comment:-) Thank you, my friend:-)) Thank you for your kind words, Charles:-) They feed my soul and they stimulate me to keep writing and give my best at it, too:-) Therefore, thank you:-)) I am glad that you like the article, Charles:-) Hopefully, it will have helped you with what you need in your earthly journey:-)
May God bless us all, and keep sharing yourself, Charles:-)
This is what I do every time I write and it is one marvelous and rewarding feeling!:-)
Much love,
My dear Christina, you are ever so full of wisdom and love. You are a special person amidst us. This post, as those before it, greatly inspires positive thoughts. Have a blessed week, my friend. Thanks.
Hello, Peter!:-) So good to hear from you, my friend:-)) How are you? How have you been?:-)) Hope all is well with:-)) Thank you, Peter, for your comment and appreciation:-) I am so very happy whenever I`m being told that my writing and message has resonated with the people who`re reading it:-) It seems as if my mission has been accomplished and I`m glad because of it:-) So, thank you, Peter for your feed-back:-)
As always,, it is my promise and commitment to deliver my best possible writing!
Sending you my best wishes, Peter:-))
Take good care of yourself:-)
Cristina, Another inspirational post. I think the world needs more words of hope. Most people lose track of the nearness of God. They get involved with the day-to-day struggles that represent only illusion and forget the truth that God has a purpose for each of us. Thank you for the frequent reminders that God is near and loving. You are definitely in touch with your divine purpose and you are doing a great job of inspiring others to find and explore their relationship with our Creator.
Thanks, Cristina.
Hey, Doug:-)) So good to hear from you, my dear friend:-)) How are you?:-))
Yes, the world definitely needs more words of hope, Doug, and added to that, more words of love, harmony, kindness, courage. This is what our worlds needs right now, I know. I am glad at the thought that there are people out there who bring in these words, either through their music, painting, writing, deeds or words. It doesn`t matter which one of the channels, as long as these words are present in our day to day life:-)))
Therefore, keep spreading them around, Doug, as the entire world benefits from it whenever a person is focused on the positive vibes:-))
Thank you, Doug, for your kind words and appreciation:-)) Really great to have people like you in my life:-)))
Stay well & keep writing!:-)))