I love the light that a candle produces. I love how it chases away the darkness and how, just by looking at it, one can feel the connection he has with the Creator. I often think of candles as being small angels sent to us by God, to protect us from evil and to remind us that it is from a place of light that we`re coming from. Deep down, I know people are aware of this truth; they just have forgotten about it, that`s all. But even so, the light they carry within themselves will always shine and it will always be “the bridge” that connects with the greatest light of all times: God.
Whenever I meditate or want to calm down my mind, when I want to uplift my heavy soul, mind and body, I light up a candle. I just love looking at it as it gives me such a beautiful feeling of peace, harmony and serenity. It reminds me that even as the sun is covered every now and then by clouds, it still shines its precious and wonderful light, and therefore, I too have the duty to move forward and push against obstacles. I owe it to my Creator; I owe it to my spirit and to my fellow human beings. Can you imagine what would happen if the sun stops to shine or fail to raise? So is everybody in this world, my friend. We are made from the same stuff as the sun, the stars and everything else in this infinite Universe. Hence, if the sun and stars shine, we too have to shine the light of our souls. It`s what we came here for.
The world – as we know it – needs healing; so much healing. It goes through many problems right now, but there are happening good things, too, and I am so very happy about it. The world is big, no doubt about it. And because it is big, we, as humans, fall in the trap of thinking that we can`t make any difference at all because we`re too small. And if we are indeed to make a difference, then the only way to do this or is possible, is to have billions of dollars in the bank account and have immense power and influence.
Really? Is that so?
A person can make a difference only when/if he/she has billions of dollars in the bank account? Only if they are super powerful and influential?
Well, if this is the case then we wouldn’t have all those stories about amazing people who saved other peoples` lives because they are not billionaires, are they? And what if, let`s say, a person will have billions of dollars when he/she`ll be 80 or 90 years old? Does this mean they`d have to wait until around that age to make a difference? Isn’t that a waste of time and life?
Everybody can make a difference, no matter how big or small. You don’t need to be Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey or Warren Buffet to change somebody`s life. How did you get to that? It`s a silly way to think, really. You have EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING you need to be your best self and change/touch as many lives as you possibly can. There`s nothing that can stop you, so go big and play a big game.
I was mentioning earlier how we all come from the same space of light, from God. We have come here on Earth and live in the same big house – our planet – and everything that happens in the world affects us all because we are all one. It doesn’t matter that a war starts in the Middle East and you`re living in Africa; it doesn’t matter that you`re living in America and people in Africa are hungry and don’t have food; it doesn’t matter that you`re living in Europe or Asia, thinking that you`re safe from the misery other people might be facing. It`s all in your head if you think “you`re safe” as it`s not true at all. It affects you too, even if you don`t realize it.
This world doesn’t belong to us, for it`s God`s but we belong to it. Mother Earth doesn’t need us but we, the human race, need her; we depended on her. Therefore, the world is not ours but we have the duty to take care of it. We can send our positive thoughts to the world and its people; we can pray for it; we can be kind and respectful to nature as without it, we`d be dead, too; we can be kind and respectful with our spiritual brothers and sisters; and yes, we can light up a candle for the well-being of our planet . You may think you can`t do much even though within you there`s a great desire to help make things better. Light up a candle and pray for you, for your dear ones, for your country, for all countries and all people.
Your sincere prayer, charged with your soul`s vibration, will make such a big difference that you didn’t even think it would. Silently, in your own home, light up candles and pray for the well-being of our world. If more and more people do this, can you imagine how our world will look like over years? It will be a wonderful, peaceful, harmonious and loving place for the next generations that will come here, and they`ll be grateful to you; they`ll thank you for having made your contribution; they`ll thank you that even in doubt, you did your part anyway. So, let`s all light up candles and be a united force to remove the negative side and the darkness. One doesn’t need to wait until circumstances are perfectly aligned because they will never be perfectly aligned; one can start small and take the first step: light a candle. Then before they`ll know it, the second candle will be lit, and then the third, and the fourth… And slowly, with one candle at a time, our world will be covered in light.
Talk to you next time:)
Much love & light:)

Very moving words in this post. A candle is the perfect metaphor to describe each beings inner light. If we all spent time getting in touch with our inner spirit, the Earth would be a happier place, and we would be able to heal her of all her ills. I pray that mankind learns this lesson before it becomes too late. Great job.
Hello Doug:)) So happy that you see this matter from the same angle I do, my friend:)) So true your words:)) Indeed, if we`d spend time getting in touch with our spirit, which is in everybody and everything, we`d be able to heal not only ourselves but this entire planet, too. And we can do this, Doug. We only need to start taking one step at a time. Thank you too, Doug, for the positive output you`re sending into this world – our world:))
Much love,