I`m really happy for writing this now:-)
It`s a joy that fills my heart and nourishes my mind… Thank you, Lord, for this amazing moment:-)
Today is June 25th, 2014- five years since Michael Jackson passed away. I still find it hard to believe that it`s been so long already, but I guess it`s what time does best, isn`t it? It just flies…
Oh well, since it is a special day, I wanted to write down some of my thoughts and feelings about Michael, as a humble tribute to the one who was and still is, the King of Pop.
Therefore, let me start..:-) Mm, but how should I start?:P So many words and ideas come to my mind, begging me to immortalize them by adding them in this blog post. I will do my best, I promise…:-)
So, Michael… I want to thank you for coming into this world. I want to thank you for being a gift to it, thank you for sharing your beautiful and loving soul with the entire planet. Thank you. I know it wasn`t easy, Michael. I know you`ve had your fair share of struggles, battles, sorrow and trials. I know.
And even so, you continued shining your light; you continued staying true to your spirit`s calling and purpose, and more than that – you continued honoring the golden treasure that was within you. For all this, I can only say – Thank you, Michael.
Thank you for making this world a better place. Thank you for your amazing songs; thank you for teaching us about love, about compassion, understanding one for another, peace among people. Thank you for teaching us about love and respect for nature, about God and His unlimited love for us. Thank you, Michael, for not ever giving up on what was important to you; for not giving up on what was your mission – in spite of all hardships, tears and pain.
Thank you so much for being yourself and staying yourself in a world where everybody is constantly trying to change you or dictate you how to be, how to live your life. Thank you, Michael, for being a light of the world, a light that suffered silently and was surrounded by darkness.
And yet, this light was strong enough to keep lightening and enlightening the masses. Thank you, for your hard work and unshakable commitment. For all this, Thank you, Michael.
Words are not enough to show you my deep gratitude, love and respect I have for you. Your beautiful soul, mind and body were definitely God`s tools and I am happy that you allowed Him to make you His instrument for spreading wonderful messages through your music. Thank you for being a clear channel, Michael, a channel through which flowed the purest of love, creativity, compassion, mercy for your fellow people, modesty, magic. You are amazing, Michael, and I know you can hear me when I say this now:-)
I am glad for being given the opportunity to share this time – space reality with you. You know what I mean…:-)
Thank you, Michael, for your kindness and gentleness; thank you for all the wisdom, love and harmony you spread around you and to everyone you came in contact with. Your spirit is full of light and goodness, and this is obvious from the way you served our world. Thank you.
Hopefully, we`ll meet again, my dear friend and fellow human being:-) I`d surely love that:-)
Wherever you may be, Michael, please know that there are people who love and cherish you and your work, people whose lives were changed due to your enormous contribution. Please know that you`re missed and your absence is sensed.
May you rest in peace, you glorious spirit. You`ve done well, you made a difference and you`ve fulfilled your vocation.
Thank you, Michael, for all the hearts you have touched and inspired.
We`ll always miss you!
Cristina, I enjoyed your tribute to Michael Jackson. He was truly an inspiration to all mankind. He is known obviously for his fabulous music as well as his eccentric behavior. But many people do not realize the many terrible tribulations he overcame in order to fulfill his life’s purpose. The press in my country were not always kind to Michael, and often caused him harm, but he persevered through it all and stayed true to his life’s dream. We can all take a lesson from his example. His death was such a tragic mistake. I have no doubt, if he had lived, that he would still be leading the world of pop music. His talent was rare and absolute.
Thank you, Cristina for your tender words as well as your keen observations. Like Michael, you are also making the most of your wonderful gifts.
Much love,
Hey, Doug:-))
Thank you for reading my post about Michael, Doug:-)) I couldn`t agree more, my friend. Michael was one of a kind, and the legacy he left behind is huge! We have so many things we need to thank him for. Yes, it`s true, press all over the world hunted him, disturbing him through all kinds of unreal things that they wrote about him. At times, I wonder how he, a simple human being, could deal with it all. Yes, without doubt that Micheal would still be leading the world of pop music, as music was his life, his purpose, he had it in his soul.
Sending you best wishes, Doug, and thank you for your comment & kind words:-))
Much love,