Things have their way and they get tough only to get easier afterward and tough again. This is life. You will feel defeated. You`ll feel like you have no control over your life and everything in it. You`ll be in pain, confused, disappointed. You`ll feel small, weak, lost, purposeless, worthless, vulnerable. You`ll curse and scream at loud that life isn’t fair, that God has forgotten you, that you are tired and you can’t continue anymore. You`ll want to cry just to release (even a little bit) of that burden you are carrying.
I understand. I have been there, too. I often felt like everything is wrong, so much so to the point where I doubted myself and my place here in this world (please forgive me, my beautiful soul)
I now understand it all was a lesson, for even under those tough circumstances, there`s always been a voice only I would hear, a voice that whispered: “Don’t give up. It`s all part of the process”
The Universe has magical ways to guide us, to show us that it knows where we are and what we need, and so, having sent me various things to go through, I was able to realize and conclude that no matter what goes on around me, I should always keep my eyes on my inner world. Why? Because all my power is there. It`s the only thing (in this world) I have control over.
One can’t control/influence the outside but only the inside. And, as a natural effect, once we calm our (inner) waters and find our balance, the outside world starts to be a reflection of that. Isn’t it marvelous? God gave us full power on how to create/change/influence our reality. I just love it that He loved us so much as to give us such a tremendous power like the one of setting the compass of our destinies. Thank you, Lord.
You may think it`s hard to focus on the inside when you feel that all hell is breaking lose. I understand, my dear. As I was telling you, I have been there, too ( and grateful for it, must add)
So, how to keep our eyes on our inner world when everything else outside of us seems to be falling apart? The answer I can give you (and what I`ve got to realize up until now) is this, Don’t judge by the appearances.
Let life has its way but you, beautiful human being, don’t get attached to anything from it and instead, place all your power and energy on what you feel on the inside, on what your soul and heart are telling you. Envision this image in your mind: you, sitting on a river shore. You look at it, you see the water flowing, you`re hearing the birds sing, maybe a soft breeze is kissing your skin.
How the river flows doesn’t bother you, does it? You`re alright, safely placed on the shore – there`s nothing that can harm you or threaten you, all the while the river is minding its own business, flowing, and flowing, and flowing…
This is how I am warmly inviting you to be, my dear fellow human being. Stay centered within yourself, keep your energies (mental, spiritual, emotional, physical) together, keep them all in one place only – within yourself. Don’t dissipate them by worry, doubt, negative thinking or over working yourself. This is not how you`re going to attract/create the reality you want for your life. Let it all flow and stay centered within yourself and focused on the vision your heart is whispering to you. You know it`s there. Your soul has always been telling you about it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t feel butterflies in your stomach and your eyes wouldn’t shine each time you`re thinking or talking about what really inspires you to be or do in this world.
Quietly sit in your own power and infuse your mind with the feelings of what it would be like if you were right now where you want to be. The Universe will respond. I promise you. And there`s another thing I promise you: You can do this. You have within you the seed of the power that created this magnificent world.
Do you realize what a miracle you are…?
Love & light,
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