The type of content people read from you determines if they’ll buy from you or not.
You can be inspirational in your content all day long and people will still hardly buy from you or work with you.
It`s because…
Inspirational content works mostly like an instant shot of upliftment and well-being that makes people feel good while reading it but loses its effect as soon as they scroll further.
Transformational content, on the other hand, is what your people need to see that you can help them achieve the things they want; it`s what they need so that they see you as someone who knows their stuff and can help them change their lives.
For example:
In your inspirational content you might say:
‘You deserve to have it all. The successful business, the money, the partner, the house. You are worthy of this all and so much more.
When reading this, your dream client will likely think:
“Yes, thanks a lot! How come I don’t have it yet since you say I am worthy of it all?”
And it`s likely they’ll end up annoyed, scrolling further.
Instead, in your transformational content you might say:
‘Life will always reflect to you the beliefs you hold as true. When you permit yourself to believe in yourself no matter what’s going on around you, you become a match for all the things you want. The moment you start telling yourself a new story about yourself that’s when life becomes magical.’
Through content like this, you make your audience stop and reflect on how this applies to them. And it’s easy for them to think:
“This person knows what she`s talking about and she can help me get the results that I want.”
Inspirational content is not enough to get people moving.
If you read a post that says:
You are worthy of all the good life has to offer, would you go:
“I have to work with this person, she can help me and Im happy to pay her!”
Most likely not, right?
People give their money on the things they see as life-changing, not on a temporary boost of motivation.
The more you have content that shows your audience you are the person who can take them from where they are to where they want to be – that`s when they want to work with you and buy from you.
Here`s to your 10k months level,
Cristina xx

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