I am sure that you`ve experienced it too, at some point in your life, didn`t you?:)
Yes, it`s quite true, isn’t it? I was lucky enough for this to be reminded to me, with the occasion of my birthday (which was last Sunday :))
I didn`t want to plan anything big; rather a small reunion with family and friends. This was my desire. Surprisingly, the Universe took care of arranging it accordingly and something more, too, like a special bonus…:)
So, here I was, in my house, with all my dear ones. I was enjoying it very much, and it crossed my mind the idea of how lucky I am for having such amazing people in my life. I would watch them(secretly) how every one of them was having a good time, how they laughed and joked. To that point, I felt extremely blessed and some small tears appeared in my eyes. I thought to myself: All these people…people whom I love and appreciate have come to celebrate with me my birthday…This is so incredible….
They didn`t know anything about this, of course. It was only my internal dialogue and my thoughts.
Then, my mother stepped in the room holding a big birthday cake on her hands. I was stunned! I didn`t see that coming! I mean, surely I was expecting a cake( what would a birthday be without the cake, right?:D) but when I saw how beautiful it was, and what kind of message was on top of it, I was speechless, really! I came closer and have read it, with a low voice: Happy Birthday to our daughter, sister and friend! With love…your family
They all started singing Happy Birthday and took lots of photos! To that moment, I couldn`t stop the tears coming and I simply released them. My mother came to me and she hugged me. Hey, hey, you shouldn`t be crying….This is a moment of happiness! You should be jolly… she told me. She then wiped away my tears and smiled to me. I thanked her.
I was extremely happy. To that point, I said to myself: No doubt, family is the most important thing in life…What would I be without my loved ones? How would I live with all these people who had this huge influence over me and my life? I would be nothing. I know this.
That is why I am so very grateful for having them. All the riches in the world don`t mean anything if you don`t have around you the people who gave you life, people who saw you growing up and took care of you since your very first day on this planet. This is priceless. This can`t be compared with nothing.
Your family is your root and if you don`t have a solid and strong connection with your root, then how will you live? How will you spend your time? What will sustain you when you face your “stormy times”? It`s the same with a tree, I think. The tree can`t live and grow by itself. It needs its roots, and strong ones too. The tallest and most magnificent trees have long, deep and strong roots. It`s only natural for it to be this way.
I have learned an important lesson on Sunday. I knew all this, but only at a theoretical level. On Sunday, I`ve really experienced it; really lived it and it hit me like thunder. Family is the most important thing in life.
God, family, work. This is the normal hierarchy, if you ask me. This is what determines balance in your life. And when you have balance, only the sky is the limit for you.
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Sending you best wishes and lots of love…:)
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